Monday, February 7, 2011

My First Deviation - I Hate Jersey Shore

It's disgusting, in my opinion, seeing people talk about Jersey Shore. It's a show about a bunch of people who act obnoxious and mean to others. How can people enjoy this? These people get paid to be inconsiderate jerks.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have a family member who watches and its really annoying, what an awful show.....

  2. Oh god, I tried to watch this, and couldn't make it five minutes. How do people stand it?

  3. It's a guilty pleasure kind of enjoyment. yes they are all terrible people, but they take it to such a cartoonish level you can't help but be entertained. Though I usually have a 6 pack set aside just for jersey shore so that may be why I enjoy it.
